St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

Share With Those in Need

The 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C - Luke 16:19-31

This gospel teaches us about the importance of sharing what we have with those in need. In the parable, wealth has made this rich man blind to the desperate needs of another. He is not condemned for being rich but for ignoring the suffering of others. He had seen Lazarus in a pitiful state outside his luxurious home. He even knew Lazarus’ name, but he did absolutely nothing to help him.

We have to ask ourselves how seriously do we take the call to help others in need. ‘Wealth may mean more than just giving money; spending time with someone, small acts of kindness, being fair to others may be just as precious. ‘The poor’ may be those who simply need a friend or a kind word or smile.

Too often we can be totally self-absorbed, overlooking the needs of others or trying to pretend that everything is ok, just like the rich man in the parable.

In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus challenges us to put others before ourselves and be aware of the injustice in the world, including our own world of those around us at school.

Mrs Darwin
STCCAT Chaplain


For more reflections and thoughts on how we can live out the Gospel please see our Chaplaincy page.