Have you caught Santa reading? Have you seen Mrs Cowell at a book fair buying new library books? If you haven't take a look at our Twitter feed. You can view it by clicking on the Twitter logo or by clicking on this link @stgregorysgcps.
Follow our Twitter feed to get the latest news and information about the school.
This additional communication method will enable us to get information out quickly, and help us promote the school and the wonderful achievements of our children and staff. We are committed to demonstrating safe, positive and responsible use of social media and encouraging the use of 21st Century technology.
Please note that this will run alongside traditional communication methods such as face to face contact at school, ParentMail messages, letters and the existing school website and it will not replace them. We are using Twitter to broadcast information and will not respond to Tweets or reply to private messages.
Do not use Twitter to contact the school, instead please continue to use the traditional methods of contact. The school contact details can be found here.