As you will know, in April 2016 St Gregory’s became part of the St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academy Trust. This has brought many benefits and we are building excellent links with the other Catholic schools in the area.
In order to bring us into line with the other schools in the Trust, we propose to change the timings of our school day.
We propose that from Monday June 5th, we will begin our school day at 8:55 a.m. and finish at 3:15 p.m.
Last term a letter about the proposed changes was sent home, a copy is available on the News & Events page on the school website. We invite your comment on this change. You can comment or submit any questions or queries by completing the form and returning it to the box in the school office, or by doing so on our website by clicking here.
More Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any free clubs after school?
Storytime sessions will run in the library, during the summer term, between 8:40 a.m. – 8:55 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. each day at no cost. Use of the sessions will be reviewed in July.
The costs of our after school clubs are competitively priced and we aim to ensure a range of clubs remain available. If your child qualifies for Pupil Premium support the balance will be paid by Pupil Premium Funding.
Please contact Mrs Annis if you’re unsure whether you should be in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding.