As part of their school missions project this year, the year 2 classes are writing a prayer for somebody different every month. During May, the month of Our Lady, they devote their prayer to her.
We are doing this because Jesus said: ‘I tell you therefore: everything you ask and pray for, believe that you have it, already, and it will be yours.’
The children will pray this prayer in school each day. It would be great if you could include it in the prayers you say with your children at home, especially if they are in year 2.
The children in years 2 and 6 are taking their SATs tests during the month of May, please keep our children in your prayers.
Dear Mary,
Our Saviour’s mother,
Thank you for bringing Jesus into our lives and giving Him your unconditional love,
We give thanks for your gentleness towards the world and for bringing peace and harmony.
Thank you for bringing faith into our souls.
We admire you for being brave,
Help us to be strong and caring towards others.
Thank you for spreading hope and joy around the world,
Help to fill our hearts with love so that we may be more like you.
St Gregory, pray for us.