St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

Year 2's Prayer for July

As part of their school missions project this year, the year 2 classes are writing a prayer for somebody different every month.  During May, the month of Our Lady, they devote their prayer to her.

We are doing this because Jesus said: ‘I tell you therefore: everything you ask and pray for, believe that you have it, already, and it will be yours.’

The children will pray this prayer in school each day.  It would be great if you could include it in the prayers you say with your children at home, especially if they are in year 2.

As we move on in our educational life we reflect and pray for those that help us at school and bless those who will shortly move on to secondary school.

Dear God our precious saviour,
Thank-you for blessing our school so that we may grow
in our knowledge,
Thank you for our teaching family who have helped us
to overcome our fears and reach our goals,
Thank-you for bringing Mrs Rolph into our school with
her happy heart and her sweet smile,
Thank-you for the first aiders who look after us when
we are injured and unwell,
Thank-you for Mr Clarke who builds and fixes
equipment around our school,
Thank-you for the ladies in the office who arrange our
trips, type our letters and sort out our lunches and
Thank you for the Forest Room and the ladies who look
after us there,
Thank you for giving us new friends who we have
welcomed into our school community,
Thank you for the dinner ladies and the mid-day
supervisors who serve us when we’re hungry and help
us on the playground.

Please look after the children as they join Nursery and
Foundation Stage,
Bless the children in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two
as they move up into their new classes,
Look after the Year Six children as they move forward
on their journey to their new schools, filled with new
and exciting experiences,
We pray for a restful summer break so that we may
return in September refreshed and ready to learn.

St Gregory, pray for us.