This week Sheila from Year 6 has composed her own Top 4 Anti-Bullying Tips for her fellow pupils:
It doesn’t matter what your colour hair or your skin colour is, how you walk, how you talk… my point is we are all different and that is what makes us special and unique.
Whether you are a boy or a girl, or small or big, if you are getting bullied; come and tell us.
If you don’t feel like talking to us about your bullying tell your parents or call Childline. Childline is the best place to announce all your worries. It doesn’t cost anything and if you don’t want your parents to know, don’t worry after you have called it doesn’t show and when you discuss your worry, the person who is talking to you would not tell anyone unless it’s very important and they have to contact your parents or the police.
Only hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself. If someone is hurting your feelings or constantly hitting you then ignore them and move on. It’s not by force to be around them or to play with them; there are many kids who would be glad for you to play with them and they could make a change to your life and your behaviour.