St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academies Trust Lenten Service
The pupils of the St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academies Trust enjoyed working together to provide an opportunity for the wider community to share in their Lenten journey, which allowed us all to take time to be with Jesus and relive His suffering in a service of reflection, prayer and music.
The pupils, led by Mrs Darwin, the Trust Chaplain, identified Jesus’ suffering by following the Stations of the Cross, through their readings, modern day reflections, prayers and hymns. Each of the four schools were represented by readers and their school choirs.
Jasmine from The Good Shepherd read the words of Jesus:
“…I realised I had to be utterly humiliated to fully appreciate the misery some people suffer. This way, I can look them in the eye and say: ‘I understand your pain. I am one with you.’”
Through this reflection, on His physical and emotional journey towards the cross, we recognised that the experiences of Jesus and the onlookers, teach us how to witness Jesus in our lives today.
All the choirs sung in adoration, having practised individually in their schools with Mrs Ro Sefton. Their harmonies filled the Cathedral as the children united to lead each hymn for the congregation. Whilst this was happening, Quaku and Isaac from Thomas Becket and St Gregory’s respectively, carried the cross symbolising Jesus’ journey through each of the stations around the Cathedral.
Phizana from St Mary’s, reminded us of the example set by the women of Jerusalem when they showed us that true compassion means getting involved and doing everything you can to help.
The service was brought to a close by Thomas Becket’s rendition of ‘God so Loved the World’.
This service of reflection brought us all closer to Jesus and gave the congregation a chance to take time and reflect during the season of Lent. Thank you to the Cathedral team, all the staff, Mrs Darwin and Mrs Sefton for preparing the children on their Lenten journey.
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