St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

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  • 27/09/17

    Foundation Stage: A Shark Tale

    In the outdoor area, we enjoyed working as a team to build a bridge to escape from the crocodile which was swimming around us! The children let their imagination take over as they drew fish and sharks in the hoop and used their balancing skills to walk across the bridge! 
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  • 27/09/17

    Harvest Celebration

    To celebrate Harvest this year, we are supporting the Hope Centre in Northampton. Last week we welcomed Tanya Haji-Miller from the centre to talk to us about her work. The Hope Centre offers support every day for 100 local people who are homeless. We would like to help, by donating as many items...
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  • 01/07/17

    Year 2's Prayer for July

    As part of their school missions project this year, the year 2 classes are writing a prayer for somebody different every month.  During May, the month of Our Lady, they devote their prayer to her. We are doing this because Jesus said: ‘I tell you therefore: everything yo...
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  • 22/06/17

    Literacy Celebration Evening

    We are incredibly proud of all the children who attended our Literacy Celebration Evening on Thursday.  They read beautifully and we loved hearing their amazing writing which highlights their hard work and dedication throughout the year.  A big thank you to Mrs Sefton and all our musicians...
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  • 16/06/17

    The Choir Sing for Our Neighbours

    We were delighted to be invited to sing at the re-opening of Eleonore House on Friday 16th June.  
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  • 13/06/17

    Year 5 - Walsingham Residential 2017

      Day One - Night Prayer One of the resident priests, Fr Andreas, led our night prayer in the Holy House. We then had hot chocolate whilst listening to fabulous story tellers within Year 5 regale us of bedtime stories from Irish legend to the depths of their own fabulous imaginations! We...
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  • 08/06/17

    Help us to Win £5000 of Library Books

    National Book Tokens are giving away £5,000 of National Book Tokens to one lucky school.  If your vote wins you'll also get £100 of National Book Tokens to spend on yourself!  Read more at
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  • 01/06/17

    Year 2's Prayer for June

    As part of their school missions project this year, the year 2 classes are writing a prayer for somebody different every month.  During May, the month of Our Lady, they devote their prayer to her. We are doing this because Jesus said: ‘I tell you therefore: everything yo...
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  • 25/05/17

    A Prayer for Manchester

    On Thursday we dedicated a lunch time prayer service to the victims of the Manchester terror attack.  The children also wanted to pay tribute to the heroes who attended and helped others.
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  • 25/05/17

    St Greg's Singers at the Northampton Festival

    Our choir did a fantastic job performing in the School Choir Hymn category during the 40th Northampton Festival of the Performing Arts.  They came first and won a St Giles' Music voucher for the school!
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  • 19/05/17

    Come to Our Book Fair!

    Scholastic's Travelling Book Fair will be in school between Monday 22nd May - Thursday 25th May, the fair will be open each day after school in the Emmaus Room. There are 3 for 2 bargains to be had, plus every book you buy helps to earn free books for our school library!
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  • 12/05/17

    Nursery go to the Dough Disco

    Nursery are enjoying building their fine motor skills through dough disco.  They use play dough and manipulate the dough through squeezing, pinching and pushing it.
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