St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

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  • 07/07/19

    Northampton in Bloom Entry

    This year we've entered the Northampton in Bloom competition.  It is a local competition, headed up by Northampton Borough Council, that encourages schools, community groups, residents, businesses, allotments and parish councils to get involved in horticulture...
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  • 04/07/19

    Teddy Bears' Picnic

    We would like to invite the families from our Parents & Tots Group, our current Foundation Stage pupils and our September 2019 Foundation Stage pupils to a Teddy Bears' Picnic.
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  • 03/07/19

    New Resources on our Online Safety Page

    A new resource has been added to our Online Safety page on our school website.
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  • 28/06/19

    Finalists - Primary School of the Year

    We had a fantastic evening at The Deco Theatre on Thursday as we attended the award ceremony as Finalists for the category of ‘Northamptonshire Primary School of the Year’.
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  • 27/06/19

    WINNERS! Primary Engineer Leaders Award

    Among our pupils we have winners of the Primary Engineer Leaders Award 2018-2019 for the Central Region! Three of our children are the winners of their Year Group of the Central England entries: Sophia from Year 2 Mati from Year 3  Aston from Year 4
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  • 26/06/19

    Mission Week at St Gregory's

    Between Tuesday 9th -  Friday 12th July we will be running a Mission Week.  Throughout the week, we will be welcoming a number of priests to help us to reflect on our mission statement: Walking Together in the Light of the Lord, including Bishop Peter, who will be with...
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  • 18/06/19

    Change to Early May Bank Holiday 2020

    Next year's early May bank holiday will be moved back by four days for the whole of the UK to coincide with the 75th anniversary of VE Day. May Day is traditionally held on a Monday but will be put back to Friday 8th May 2020. VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, marks the day towards the end...
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  • 15/06/19

    Summer Fair 2019

    We hope you had a wonderful time at the Summer Fair.  The Fair is our biggest fundraiser during the summer term, so thank you very much for your support of the staff and children at the school. As always there was a lovely feeling of community – with the St Gre...
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  • 13/06/19

    Thank you from Northampton College

    We've received a lovely certificate of thanks from our neighbours Northampton College for hosting and supporting their students' work experience.
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  • 11/06/19

    Summer Fair

    Our PTFA are hosting a Summer Fair as part of their fundraising drive, every penny raised goes back in to our school community.  Please come and support us and have some fun - the Fair will be on Saturday 15th June 13:00-16:00 regardless of the current rainy weather!
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  • 19/05/19

    Trust’s Chair secures new personal best in run for Alzheimer’s Society

    We recently reported that the Chair of the St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academies Trust (STCCAT) was due to take part in the Great Manchester Run on Sunday 19th May, in a bid to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s Society.
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  • 15/05/19

    Foundation Stage - Chick Hatching

    We received a very special delivery this week – a batch of hen’s eggs for us to look after! 
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