St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

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  • 11/03/19

    Parent and Baby Group News

    Due to popular demand we're delighted to announce that our free, friendly Parent and Baby Group is continuing on Wednesday mornings 9:15-10:15 am. Please join us if you can for a chat, play-time and a cuppa.
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  • 11/03/19

    Lenten Reflection - Everyone Welcome

    You’re invited to join pupils from the St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academies Trust on their Lenten journey: take time to be with Jesus to relive His suffering through the eyes of our young people in reflection, prayer and music.
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  • 10/03/19

    Book Your Appointment for Parents' Evening

    From 4th March we will be using Parents Evening Manager on ParentMail – so you can book your parents’ evening appointments from your smartphone, tablet or computer. Appointments go live from 6:00 pm on Monday 4th March.
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  • 04/03/19

    Year 5 - Adventure in Time and Space

    Fresh from their recent visit to the National Space Centre, Year 5 have enjoyed writing about their topic 'Adventure in Time and Space'.
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  • 01/03/19

    Share a Book and a Biscuit

    Thursday 7th March is World Book Day, to celebrate our love of reading with those we love, we have invited our families to share a Book and a Biscuit with us in the comfort of our School Library.
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  • 01/03/19

    Year 2 - Prayer for March

    Prayer for our school and teachers
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  • 27/02/19

    Year 3 - Henri Rousseau

    Year 3 have been learning about French artist Henri Rousseau and post-impressionism.
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  • 16/02/19

    Book and a Biscuit Sessions

    As you know, at St. Gregory’s we are passionate about reading and exploring different texts with our children. As part of our celebrations for World Book Day, we would love to invite you to share a book and a biscuit with your child in our school library.
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  • 15/02/19

    Sponsor Gregory's Gladiators!

    We're seeking an individual or family-friendly businesses that want to make a positive impact in the community and to extend their marketing efforts by sponsoring our new sports kit.
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  • 15/02/19

    End of Term Newsletter

    Our end of term newsletter is now available, read on to find out more, including news and photos from our Year 5 astronauts, PE and Sport, World Book Day and Spelling and Times Table Championships starting next term.
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  • 31/01/19

    Family Fitness Club

    Well done to all who took part in the new Parent and Child Fitness Club on Tuesday 29th January! Everyone worked so hard and hopefully came away happy having had a good work out! However, the most pleasing thing to see was so many parents having the chance to spend some quality time together with th...
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  • 30/01/19

    PTFA Coffee and Information Event

    Find out more about our PTFA, join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the Emmaus Room on Friday 1st February 2:15 pm.
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