St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

Thomas Becket - A School Of Wonder

Hi I’m James, on the 20th April 2018 my class went to Thomas Becket Catholic School.  Here is a report of our trip:

First we were put into two groups. Then we got on the minibuses (one for each group).  Once we arrived at our destination we went into the hall, Thomas Becket’s Deputy Headteacher told us what we were going to do.  After this one group went to maths and the other went to computing.  I began the morning in maths.

We had to divide a number into prime numbers until we got to another prime number.  If you multiplied all of these prime numbers together, it would give you the number it started with.  At the end we looked at some GCSE questions which were easy to do even though we are in Year 5!

In the cafeteria, we got to choose from pizza, pancakes or sausage rolls - which was awesomely delicious!

After a short break we swapped over and I went to computing.  In this lesson, we looked at a PowerPoint about Micro Bits.  We learned that all technology that is powered has Micro Bits.  We went onto a website where we did some coding to program different lights to turn on and off on a mini Micro Bit.  When we had finished this, the teacher programmed in rock, paper and scissors onto the mini Micro Bits and we played this game until the end.  We could get the Micro Bit to choose randomly by shaking it.  It was a lot of fun!

Our time at Thomas Becket was great and lots of people in our class said they would love to go back for more workshops again in the future!  When I went home I told my mum I could describe my day in 5 words - BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!