St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

St Gregory's Ofsted Inspection

St Gregory’s Ofsted Inspection – November 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,


As you may know, Ofsted recently visited our school in November, spending two days finding out more about school life, undertaking lesson observations and gathering feedback from governors, staff, parents and pupils.

We have just received confirmation of our final report and I wanted to share the findings with you before we break for Christmas. Whilst the overall result was that St Gregory’s was judged to be a school that ‘requires improvement’, we are pleased to say that our Early Years provision has been rated ‘good’ and that inspectors also recognised that our work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good.

We are incredibly proud of the progress and that we have made as a school in recent years, and were particularly pleased that during their visit inspectors commented that “leaders and the governing body are ambitious and set high standards for staff and pupils alike” and “adults know pupils and their families extremely well. There is a warm and caring ethos throughout the school.”


Inspectors also reported that:

 “Leaders provide a safe and stimulating environment for pupils to learn and staff to work. Bright classrooms and displays of pupils’ work in the corridors help to celebrate the best work.”

“Children get off to a positive start in the early years. The quality of teaching is good. Children make good progress and are well prepared for Year 1.”

“The curriculum is broad and balanced and is helping to prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain. Pupils have a sound understanding of British values and enjoy educational visits.”

“The leadership of mathematics is strong. Standards in mathematics have risen over recent years.”

“Many pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are now making better progress.”

“Pupils relish opportunities to take on extra responsibility. These include democratically elected school councillors, being house captains, librarians, corridor monitors and anti-bullying ambassadors.”

“Pupils are knowledgeable regarding keeping themselves safe when crossing roads or using the internet.”

“Pupils are polite and look smart in the school’s uniform… pupils show good manners and are respectful of visitors.”


Whilst we recognise there are also areas for further development, with the support of the Trust and our governing body we already have clear plans in place to respond to Ofsted’s recommendations, so that we can continue on our journey to being recognised as a good school across all areas. 

I would like to personally thank you for the valuable feedback that you provided during the inspection and for your ongoing support for St Gregory’s, as we work together to ensure that every one of our pupils achieve their full potential.


The official inspection report will shortly be published on the Ofsted website, in the meantime if you require further information please see the Ofsted section on the school website.

Wishing you all a restful Christmas break and a prosperous New Year.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Niamh Rolph