All parents and families of St Gregory's pupils are automatically members of the PTFA which organises meetings and social events, these activities can help forge links between home and school.
Supporting the PTFA can bring many benefits to parents and their children, for example, potentially lowering costs for extra curricular activities, trips, facilities and equipment. Much equipment has also been bought for the school through fund raising events.
The PTFA host many events to fundraise, including school discos, a Mother's Day gift room, a Father's Day gift room and Summer Fair.
The PTFA has fundraised and donated much to enhance our community for staff and pupils, including most recently:
Bottled water for pupils on the annual Sports Days
Funding for books to add to and refresh the stock in our library
13 boxes full of board games for pupils to use during wet weather break times
Repairs to the adventure playground
Sports bibs in the school colour with school crest
5 gazebos for school events
A donation for each year group to spend towards subsidising school trip costs or curriculum WOW days
The PTFA also host a complimentary Year 6 Leavers' Prom to help celebrate the pupils' fantastic efforts over the past seven years as part of our school family.
If you are a Facebook user please join our group which can be found by clicking here. If you are not a Facebook user and need to contact the PTFA please email
We are always looking for volunteers to join and give whatever time they can, whether it be regularly or once a year. If you would like to have an active role on the PTFA please don't hesitate to contact the school or see our Chair Kimberley Evans or Secretary Claire Wilson.